Sunday, January 28, 2007

Idiots Censored

Ok Im not sure anyone got the joke anyway. Since this post was on a message board which is probably offline I am censoring this post until a later date. Why ? Because when I tried to  share on Facebook this post was posted instead of my main page. So if you want to read my blog you will actually have to visit my blog. Sorry

My Space Blog

Ok this is just a blog not my actual website. My actual website is on myspace. The link is on this blog. From time to time I will update my webpage on myspace. Sometimes I will feel the need to tell you what my plan is for my webpage on myspace. What I am doing there and why. When I do that I will not be posting the information here.

So if I am doing something important on my webpage on myspace how can you find out what is going on? Simple myspace as it's own built in blog. You can find my webpages PERSONAL Blog here. My Space Blog I will post anything personal I want you to know about along with webpage updates to myspace.

So what will I use the space on blogger for? This page you are reading now is not personal or about my webpage. I am sorry but you will just have to visit my webpage for that or the link above. This blog on blogger is about my thoughts. My philosophy. Not my life. Get it? Got it? Good :)